Soal Soal TOEFL

Expressing Giving Proposal And Suggestion

1.    Read the dialog below!
Rifky      : “ Oh my friend, I confuse to choose the program study at the university.”
Habib    : “ What do you ambition?. “
Rifky      : “ I want to be a doctor.”
Habib    : “ Oh, I suggest you to choose .......”
Fill in the blank!
a.       Program technical of doctor
b.       Program pilot
c.       Program technical
d.       Program biology
e.       Program doctor

2.    Read the dialog below!
Rifky      : “ I want to buy a new car, but I confuse to choose.”
Habib    : “ Woww... Are you sure?. “
Rifky      : “ Yes, maybe you have any suggest for me?.”
Habib    : “ .........................”
Please answer the blank of the dialogue!
a.       I must to give you some money
b.       I am sorry i must go now
c.       My suggest, you choose the new lamborgini car
d.       Oh,,, are you crazy?
e.       Oh Babe, I am sorry

3.    Habib : “ Hey Tm, I want to talk with you.”
Rifky      : “ What? “
Habib    : “ Have you opened my laptop? “
Rifky      : “ No, Why? “
Habib    : “ Because my laptop is turn on. It must be you! “
Rifky      : “ What the hell with this. I say not me! Why accusing me? “
Habib    : “ Because you beside me. Sorry Tm. “
Rifky      : “ No Problem. “
From the dialogue, is telling about expression about.....
A.      Blaming
B.      Accusing
C.      Admitting
D.      Love
E.       Sadness

4.    1) It must have been you who did it.
2) It was your fault.
3) Serves you right.
4) You must be the doer.
From above, expressing accusing is number?
a.       1,2,3
b.       3,4
c.       1,4
d.       4
e.       3,4

5.  Complete the dialogue below!
Rifky      : “ Why you lazy today? “
Habib    : “ I don’t know, but my stomach so hurt! “
Rifky      : “ Oh maybe you..... “
From the dialogue, please complete the dialogue .....
a.       Not playing the game
b.       Drink a drug
c.       Push the door
d.      Not eat something
e.       Eat a picture

6.    When you make a meeting with your friends you must make a ......
a.       Cookies
b.       Cup of coffee
c.       Promise
d.       Bowl of noodle
e.       Human

7.    Captain          : “ Stand up please! “
Soldier  : “ Okay captain! “
Captain : “ Tomorrow we must attack them ! “
Soldier  : “ No Sir, It is............... to make the enemy lose! “
Captain : “ Ayay Soldier! “
Please complete the dialogue!
a.       Impossible
b.       Possible
c.       A car
d.       A noodle
e.       Promise

8.    Excuse me sir, there are some problem with my new car!
The sentence, telling about?
a.       Reading
b.       Asking
c.       Complain
d.       Answer

e.       Writting

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